• Nation's future in the Classroom

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Kalam 100

KALAM 100 An Year Long Residential Program:
Under the guidance of Eminent Educator, Gurudev of Dr Chukka Ramaiah and VMF
KALAM 100 An Year Long Residential Program: Under the guidance of Eminent Educator Dr Chukka Ramaiah and Vandemataram Foundation, this program’s main objective is to ensure 100 students of 10th Class achieve the best grade in their annual examinations and provide free education for their higher education. The Vandemataram Foundation supports those like you who wish to fulfill this goal. Students will be selected based on merit in the entrance exam and Interview

Quality and Moral education for Government school children

Vandemataram Foundation (VMF) founded as an NGO in 2005, was established with an objective to build character, inculcate right values in the formative stage of a child in the under resourced schools in the rural and backward regions. Making a villages school the nodal point, the Foundation builds teams consisting of village elders, youth and alumni of the school. These teams working in tandem with the parents and teachers of the school actively involve the students in various constructive and creative activities.

Why Vandemataram Foundation?

Despite allocating crores of public tax money into government school modernization programs, there is still poor participation, outcomes from rural schools. While local governments are addressing the infrastructure related gaps faced in schools, quality and culture gaps are yet to be prioritized and fulfilled. Vandemataram foundation believes that this gap will be filled by bringing ownership to local village stakeholders through Village Educational Development Centers (VEDCs). Vandemataram foundation will play a catalyst role to bring the teachers, parents, village leaders, and students to work as a cohesive unit to produce world ready school students who are on par or better than any other students coming out from other institutions.

Addressing Learning Crisis in rural government schools
Lack of local community participation

Focus on employability and life skills

Gender inequity


Vandemataram Foundation will play a catalyst role in strengthening government schools by bringing local stakeholders together. It's flagship program, VEDC, was taken up in the year 2015 to sensitize the villages and provide consultation support to form educationsl development committees and define their functions.

These committees were constituted by the villagers who are majorly parents of the school children, Headmasters, Village Sarpanch and VMF trained volunteers. This model will strengthen the government owned concept of "Our school, Our village and Our country".

Our focus

Village Education Development Committees
VEDC is a break through approach to address the issue of ownership at schools in support of achieving goals of education and to keep parents, teachers and students connected for successful running of the school.
Educational and Training Camps
High potential students from government schools are lagging behind in 10th class graduation due to academic gaps. 10th class camps run under VMF will utilize well experienced teaching faculty and renowned academicians to teach a targeted syllabus
Kalam 100 Program
On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr Abdul Kalam, VMF has started Kalam-100 to support 100 orphan/under privileged students to provide quality technical education along with the ideologies of Dr Abdul Kalam.

Outreach & Impact

"Development of a child should be a 'shared vision' of his/her family, teachers and community. With this idea all our activities are designed to involve and collaborate with all the stakeholder and build a synergy. With sustained efforts we could see a visible attitudinal change in the teachers and the community."

Government schools in interior mandals
of Warangal and Mahabubnagar districts
Students participated in 10th class campus
  • 680 of our students in IIIT
  • 2000 pursuing their polytechnic
  • 2500 free intermediate seats
  • 18 pursuing MBBS
  • Our student Sharath got selected as a scientist in ISRO
  • Students pursuing higher education and employement in USA

Our Goals

Scale-up VEDC:

Currently we are targeting to create model VEDCs in up to 20 schools in Warangal and Mahbubnagar.

Expand educational camps to all districts of TS and AP:

Goal is to facilitate other such camps with human resource

Improve academic standards along with life skills through study centers

Goal is to expand primary and high school

Develop model citizens of India

Prepare students to be responsible citizens by inculcating patriotic,humanitar

Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision
Eradicate educational inequity by enriching government schools through National Education Policy guided academic interventions.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a synergistic partnership with existing institutions to enable a paradigm shift in education, with patriotic and constitutional values at the core, and equitable access to the highest-quality education for all learners.
Core Values
  • Partnership – We commit to cooperative collaboration with government entities, valuing their insights and support in driving systemic change.
  • Equity–  We advocate for a fair and inclusive educational environment where every child, regardless of economic status, can flourish.
  • Innovation – We embrace progressive strategies and techniques to enhance the teaching-learning process, addressing the unique challenges of the educational landscape.
  • Empowerment –  We strive to empower educators, students, and communities to take charge of their learning journey, fostering a growth mindset.
  • Patriotism – We endeavor to nurture a sense of national pride, encouraging an understanding of and respect for our shared history, culture, and democratic values.
  • Integrity – We commit to acting ethically and responsibly, teaching our students the importance of honesty, trustworthiness, and moral courage.
  • Civic Responsibility – We aim to cultivate an awareness of social and environmental issues, encouraging active participation and responsibility in community development and sustainability efforts.
  • Character Building – We place great importance on character education, fostering virtues such as self-discipline, responsibility, and compassion, preparing students to be well-rounded and constructive members of society.
  • Respect – We recognize and respect the existing educational infrastructure, fostering improvements within the framework of the existing system.